Discover the Transformational Magic of the Breath
Seemingly simple but so profound. When we breath correctly it can benefit us in a multitude of different ways from reducing anxiety, enhancing sleep, tapping into peak performance both in sports and mentally, melting layers of tension away from the body and releasing trauma. Unfortunately most of us are not utilising our breath to its fullest potential at all, in fact the majority of the population are actually breathing in a way that is detrimental to their health. The day is dedicated entirely to the breath, where you will learn more about different breathwork techniques, their benefits and how to apply them in your every day life. The day cumulates in a breakthrough breathwork session which incorporates a few different breathwork techniques to slowly build up into a Holotropic breathwork experience.
We’ve found that the breath is one of quickest access points inwards, to connect back into ourselves, to release layers of conditioning, to give us the courage to face our shadow selves. And yes it can be challenging, but the rewards reaped are far greater.
It’s a place where you can truly meet yourself. Even after years of trying different practices and modalities this is one of the few places we’ve met ourselves fully, without judgement. We’ve experienced the essence of ourselves, in this space where pure love exists. A place where words will never quite do it justice, but it is revolutionary to discover.
Co- facilitated by Anita Dempsey
Anita is a qualified Hawa Breathwork Facilitator, Certified Arvigo Therapist, Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner and Qoya Teacher. She has trained in Massage with NZ College of Massage, Arvigo Therapy with Rosita Arvigo, Holistic Pelvic Care with Tami Lynn Kent, and trained as a Teen Youth Mentor with the Shine within Academy. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Counselling. Breathing since she was born and Holotropic breathing since 2016.
For years she has been dedicated to teaching and advocating for the wisdom of the body. Anita discovered the power and wisdom of her body through her 13-year fertility journey. She knows how to love herself and her body among the ascents and descents of life. Anita teaches how to have a deeper connection and love for our bodies so we can trust them as our personal guide to deep knowing. Anita will hold a fun, loving, open-hearted safe space where you can lean into trusting your inner healer and the wisdom of your body through non-ordinary states of consciousness.
21st September 2024 (fully booked)
19th October 2024
Please note that these retreats are designed to attend just the one day or as many as you like. Each day is unique and if you would like to see the itinerary for a future seasonal retreat please do not hesitate to contact us.
10am ~ Opening Sacred Sharing Circle, with Cacao and Meditation. Here we come together as a collective and set our intentions from this heart opened, expansive state.
10.30am ~ Learn more about the immense health benefits of consciously breathing along with an introductory breathwork session.
12pm ~ Movement Practice. We move to stoke our inner fire and melt away any stagnant waters within and anything else that needs to be shifted. It’s when we drop out of minds and into the body that we remember the essence of who we are, and discover the innate wisdom resides within.
1pm ~ Lunch. It’s time to replenish the body with a nutritious nourishing lunch made with fresh seasonal and ingredients which are locally sourced and organic where possible.
2pm ~ Yoga Nidra. Designed to invoke a deep sense of relaxation, regeneration and replenishment of the body, whilst stilling the mind and resetting the nervous system. We will be working more deeply with intention (Sankalpa) to plant the seed deep within your mind (and neural pathways) for what you’re calling into your life.
2.30pm ~ Breathwork. In the rhythm of our breath lies the key to unlocking our deepest sensations. When we embrace it fully, our breath becomes a gentle yet potent force, moving us from within. As we surrender to its flow, tensions melt away, paving the path for newfound spaces within us to blossom - an invitation into curiosity and expansion.
3.30pm ~ Tea and snacks.
4pm ~ Contrast Therapy session. Now it’s time to meet yourself in the ice. There is nothing like a cold immersion to meet your mind where it’s at and we’ve found there’s nothing quite like this experience to bring you into pure present awareness. The combination of breath and cold immersion has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in the body, which is the root cause of many health issues, including auto immune diseases. This is followed by an infrared sauna session that detoxifies the body, along with numerous other benefits. And then if you’re feeling brave there is the opportunity to face the cold once again. We do this for the brown fat activation, which is the good fat that we need more of! This is what stokes our metabolism and helps to prevent diabetes and heart disease.
5.00 pm ~ Fire ceremony and closing circle. Having ignited our fires within, it is time to light a literal fire, with the chance to offer anything up that you may wish to release or transform. This could be in the form of written words, artwork or offerings from this earth.
Please note that this itinerary is a guide to give you indication of what to expect for the day and could potentially be moved around a bit. Timing can vary depending on how much people share in the beginning circle, for example, but we will ensure the day has come to completion by 5.30pm so that those needing to get the 6pm ferry home can do so. We highly recommend extending your stay here and booking a night or two to really integrate the learnings from the day.
Cacao Meditation, Qoya Movement Practice, Breathwork, Sauna, Cold Plunge, snacks and a locally sourced wholefoods nutritious lunch will be provided.
Just bring a water bottle, journal and your beautiful self (no matter what state you're in, all of you is welcome here!) dressed in warm comfortable loose clothing to practice in, layers are suggested for this time of year. All yoga mats and props, plus towels for the sauna and ice bath, will be provided.
Why not fully immerse yourself in the Sandhana experience and add on a stay prior to, and/or, after the retreat, to fully rest, rejuvenate and receive. There are three rooms to choose from and they will book out so make sure you get in quickly.
Just click on the link below to make an enquiry, as these rooms need to be booked directly through us, to ensure only those attending the retreat are staying at Sandhana during. Prices range from $250 to $300 for single occupancy, and it’s an additional $50 if you’re sharing a room with a friend or partner. This includes a nourishing dinner and breakfast the next morning, as well as the use of the amenities (sauna, cold plunge and hot tub) during your stay.
Other Seasonal Retreats
We will be running seasonal retreats, make sure you sign up to our newsletter to stay informed about all our upcoming events.
Fire is the pure expression of summer, the season of radiance, heartfelt connections and passion. The warm embrace of the sun encourages nature to expand and grow, as it does us. Summer is the time to call upon agni, the yogic fire that resides within all of us, to start acting on our hearts deepest desires. It is the time to do and to create. This seasonal retreat has been tailored to cultivate this potent energy and to support you to create changes you’d like to see manifest in your life.
The earth element is the grounding, stabilising force during times of change. As the yang energy completes its expression and the yin flows in, it is the time to nourish the roots, the foundations of what has been built over the past season. This is a time for introspection and assessment of what is aligned and what we can let go of. This is a chance to be held and nurtured through this process.
As the waters still and freeze over during the cold winter months, it is the perfect time to pause, contemplate and reflect. Nourishing ourselves at this time of year sets the scene for the year ahead. Inspiration often comes from the stillness and by giving our bodies the support they need we are able to flourish as the season shift to yang once more. It’s time to cosy up and rest.